Because this is our last celebration (after this will celebrate wedding anniversary :p insyaAllah) So, he decided to bring me to Zest All Day Dining (ZADD) at marriott.
I gave 4.5 stars for ZADD for the wide variety and selection of foods, price, cozy place, ambience and the services. They called me ‘puan’ which I found its very respectful of them :P. Half star was deducted due to the tasteless honey dew juice. Its good that they didn’t add sugar in the drinks but they should choose sweet honey dew for the juices.
ZADD provide breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet of asian n western cuisine. Personally, I love the roasted lamb and smoked salmon. They also have a large variety of desserts but too bad I’m full. I didnt have the chance to have ice cream, cendol or ABC and even the caramel pudding.
Its a very nice place to celebrate special event but dont go here so often since its a bit $$$$$. Hahahahahaha. But I think you all can afford it (kitorang jimat nak kawin n beli brg)
Enjoy the pic.
The ZADD – courtesy from their website (ktorg duduk blkg tiang tu je)

p/s: celebrate on the 10th of march since our first date is on the same day.