Last time pi The waterfront at desa park city in 2007 or 2008. My friend worked in one of the gallery. Now, dah kerja tempat lain. Last time belum ada jogging trek lg. Skrg sdh ada. Very nice view! Dgn ada tasik lagi. Tapi lps jog terus pi mkn??? Hahahaah..not so healthy. Sometimes rasa mcm kt oversea la…because most of the tenant in desa park city are foreigners. Bayangkan 1 rumah sewa rm8k. Mahalnyee….tp puas hati!! Rumah sgt la teratur, ada garden2, ada mall, tight security, international school lg. Ok back to our review….La casa serve Italian food. Pasta, pizza, all the italian’s dishes, you named it!
Ofi n Lily!!! Courtesy from SIL fb

Ofi ordered baked cheese oyster as the appetizer. Sedap!! Abaikan tabasco sauce tu..ktorg x amek pon…kan ada org kata kt fb haram..

I ordered Chargrilled chicken honey and mustard. Yummy!!!

Ofi ordered Duck confit as his main course.

Ni haiqal punya spaghetti marinara.

Tok mi and Lily

X dapat snap semua org punya makanan. Sorry la. Overall…price was ok. Food sedap if you like italiannies. View was spectacular!! Can cater for big event such as birthday party. They hav their own cakes too. Will come again for their tea time delight. Hohoho