::Yuna-Random Awesome::
Di sebabkan dah lama x update, so this time nk cerita psl this awesome photographer. Post about my birthday will be publish soon. Sbb x ready lg. Hohohoho. :P
Okay, I'm proud of this guy coz his photo mmg lawa2. Maybe ada gak photographer lain punya gmbr yg lawa2 tp dia nye lain mcm sikit. Why?Because creative n ada life n theme tau klu tgk gambar dia (sila jgn muntah dgn statement ni). Really loves his pic. Then pastu org dlm gmbr tu pn puji2 gmbr tu lawa n siap buat profile pic. Tak ke bangga klu mcm tu?So its proven that the pic is awesome. Not juz from my POI but others like it as well.
resepi mudah ayam masak butter
4 years ago
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