Have u seen this pic before?Hahahah. Editted it using photoshop cs. Not a pro work, boleh buat pro tp sbb nk cpt. Hahahahah. Perasan! I think my tailor can do this the problem now, to find the right french lace :)
Jan 26, 2012
Jan 24, 2012
Wedding Inspiration : Door gift box
Semangat nak beli box kecik2 ni. Nk letak candies or chocolate or telur. Kt online shop byk sgt box comel2 tp hati2 ada kedai yg jual harga yg teramat la mhl pdhal kt kedai lin boleh dpt bwh rm1. Below are some of my fav gift box. Tp x decide lg nk beli yg mana. Hehehehe.
Which one is your favourite?I Love them all!
Jan 16, 2012
New york New york Deli @ OU again n again
This is my 3rd post about Newyork Deli. Its our favourite place. Some more, its the nearest place to go n eat. Since we always hang out here, we tried to order different set of menu each visits. This time, seafood platter for two. Hahahaha. Delicious, yummy! Love it so much. Ada smoked salmon, fish n chip, fried prawn n squid. Owh, lupa ambil gmbr desserts and drinks. Alamak. X pala :P
Other older post about New York Deli:
January yang sgt Busy!
As u all know, I am fully booked for January. The only free day I hav is the Chinese new year holidays. Phewww!! Ada jg cuti 2 hari kan? Last week saya telah jatuh sakit. Pendapat saya, my body did not hav enough rest. So jatuh la sakit.
Disebabkan hal ini, dan sbb tidak boleh berdating dgn mr tunang mr boyfie, Next sem saya berazam untuk tidak lagi mengajar student pjj. Walaupun bayarn adalah lumayan, tp kalau sakit tiada gunanya. Hahahahah . Hari tu pn I took the offer because I want to saves some money for my future plan. Hahahahahah. Tp kali ini tidak lagi. Lgpn saya akan mencadangkan nama lain yg lebih layak dr saya. Tidak boleh tamak. Bah kan saya akan mempunyai lbh byk masa untuk
berfoya-foya berehat. Sekian laporan untuk hari isnin yang mulia. Hari isnin hari utk blk lewat sbb kelas sampai 630ptg. Hari selasa hari utk balik malam sbb ada klinik math sampai 1030 mlm.
Rabu dan seterusnya malas nak cerita. Ok bye!
Jan 4, 2012
One of my fav!
Tgh surf website wedding inspirasi, terjmpa yg ini. From Alvina Valenta. Lawa sangat. Ni kain lace ka?Mn nk dpt kain ni?nk buat baju kurung. heheheheh