Today supposed to be a day of joy n celebration. Unfortunately there were some bad news. So I decided not to celebrate this special day to expressed my sympathy n condolences.
First, pemergian arwah Dr. Abd Azim, a 32 yrs old dentist. Kawan sama2 induksi dulu. A sweet gentleman, polite and very humble. He left his wife n 4 childrens (ada sepsg kembar..sedihnya..). cause of death...most probably of heart attack. 32 yrs old??Owh my! It is all fated..
Second, the helicopter tragedy in Sebuyau, Sarawak. One of the victims, arwah Siti Khuzaimah, my mate during my matriculation in KML. When I saw the news on tv, my heart ache...n asked is it the same person? Then this morning, the news was confirmed by my other friend. Arwah was young engineer, engaged n will be getting married on this 30th november. :(
Last, the shooting massacre in colorado. 12 died n more than 50 was injured during the screening of the dark knight rises movie. The shooter has a degree in neuroscience. Hello? what happen to this world? pretending that you r a joker?? See, tv is such a bad influence to the kids! ppl will be afraid to go to the cinema and other public places.....
My deepest sympathy to all the family, takziah dan Al-fatihah....
resepi mudah ayam masak butter
4 years ago
DJ, i cant just get off Dr Azim out of my head for the past few days. I kept thinking about his wife and children. What if the same thing happen to us?
If same thing happen to me, I would probably die! But maybe bcoz of our kids, we still hav reasons n strenght to live...
Al-Fatihah to Dr. Azim.. May God have mercy on him and make him enter His vastest paradise.. And btw Dj, I've also heard the story about the shooting massacre.. and we went to cinema few days later, n I kinda felt scared, imagining that there will be someone just burst the emergency door exit n shoot at the audience.. :( people nowadays are so unpredictable n really is cruel :( may we all have a peaceful death as a muslim.. amin..
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