Jan 29, 2008

Reunion - 26.01.08

Yup...our reunion on 26.01.08..last saturday. Even though there's only 4 of us...still fun n exciting...n things that accidentally happen...we r the same person that rent a car back in 2006 uitm...konon nk stay overnite la n lepak2 uptown tp rupenye uptown br je tutup minggu lalunye...hahahaha...malu2...this year...we all mkn2 kt uptown gak n p uptown kt danau kota...b'thn2 m'cari akhirnye sampai jg...hahahaha.Lets start our story...

Yin n Me b'tolak dr umah kul 9 la lbh kurang...ecah n ya still in shah alam...coz ecah nk mandi manda dulu...mende ar...So sampai kt uptown damansara..order dulu chicken grill bcoz both of us were very hungry...then kul 10 dtg la bdk2 dua ekor tu...ktorg dh abes mkn pn... tp sbb diorang br order...aku ngan yin pn order lg nasi n tomyam...telur dadar lg...tp share dua la. Hahahah...

Then ktorg p Danau kota...dkt2 dgn gombak n greenwood la...bundle la...org panggil downtown...pegi dgn boy(ofismate yin n x-tmpt company aku ngan ecah,senior u ktorg) hahahaha..so die n kwn laki die sorg kira mcm guard ktorg la..bahaya klu pompuan je kn..dh la sesak...ade tmpt chinesse minum2 lg...(beer,liqour etc..). After abis pusing satu psr tu.. p la minum lg...1st tu minum carrot susu je...n then tgk boy mkn tomyam..ktorg pn order gak... 1st time in my life asyik mkn je...yin pn dh mkn byk...b4 this x mkn byk pn.. hahahah...Balik umah lbh kurang kul 3.30...plg lewat ar tu...but hav so much fun
Bila la dpt hang out mcm ni lg...ssh wooo....msg2 bz

My next gathering - for smsldians...will e on 16 feb 2008 at Midvalley...fuyoo...harap2 jd...amin...

BTW...juz got back from SMY Beauty Saloon...got my haircut...the barber is very professional...i think one of the wella saloon...got nice hair with rm25...kira b'baloi jg la...hahahah...next time nk buat manicure n pedicure plak la...only rm10...kira cheap gak la...huhhuhuhu.

Jan 28, 2008

Juara Lagu

Yeah!!!!!!!Estranged menang...tepat skali ramalan ku ya...i love rich...he's sooooo cute...not to mention my dear ofi tooo....(cutest man in my life).Miss u.For me...fiq nyanyi pn bole tahan..but i cannot understand why people don like him?Maybe they are too fanatic with Faizal...rasakan... learn ur lesson faizal...i like his song n voice..but i kindda disappointed with his behavior on stage...always...all the time...over sgt...Jinbara also not bad huh?Siti also...i heard she got the highest sms votes for best performance...unfortunately...the judges choose mawi...coz of the magic...ikut theme la konon...so ikut juri mawi la...campur sms...mcm 50-50 la undian. X kisahla yg penting estranged mng. Why this song can beat the rest? The music...so catchy...so different..the lyric... menikam kalbu...u can feel this song really!!!!Maybe bcoz of the sweet voices of rich that combine with the songs n lyrics...i think this song has strong emotion bcoz rich make the lyrics with all of his heart...dedicated to the one that he loves (velvet) yeah... i know that...if certain people bengang napa lagu ni bole menang...i think the song doesnt touch their heart n soul yet... i dunno...maybe their are not the true song lover. Which is they cant feel the song...sometimes there are some song that we cannot use our ear to hear them...but must use our heart to listen...So...Itu kamu is the type of song that u must use ur heart to hear the beautiful arrangemnt...feelings...emotion....lyrics n etc2..

Gudbye to tifa, its our last girl outing day. She will be transfer to sg petani on this feb 1st. X dpt dh jmpa...n then she'll be getting married on march...so this is our last outing as a young, single n career women (i think girl?). Went to masjid jamek...cari2 baju...then mkn kt kopitiam station... i ordered roti bakar, peach tea n cantonesse kuey teow....tifa ordered fried rice, roti bakar n coffee...ema lak...ate fried rice n (ice blended kot???). Balik kul 8 lbh...nk dkt kul 10 br sampai. Love to hang out wif my gfs...but...we r busy...don hav time to hang out...semua ada commitment...ade bf la tu..hahahah. ssh la...weekdays keje...so ade masa weekend je...semua pn x nk m'lepaskn peluang kuar dgn bf kn? Me too...heheehehe....so...wish u luck my fren...hati2 kt kedah tu...ko tu org johor...hahaha....to suami (actually suhaimi but we've shorten it) take care of tifa...u know how she is rite? Manja sgt2....hoohohoho...chow

p/s - to my boss...if u read this...i 'll be MC tommorrow bcoz i'm really tired...n i've ulcer in my tongue which is really2 painful...need to go to the clinic...hahahah...its true ok..

Jan 26, 2008

Friendship rules u should use in love

Juz read this article in Cleo Feb Issue. It made me realize that we should treat our man equally. Hohohoho. The article said that even if our best fren can be annoying, there will also be one who doesnt ring for 3 months (ni kena dgn girl n vivi..hohoho), one who forgets our birthday and one who always cancels the outing. But we never take them to task..which means we always forgive them. But would we do the same to our man? Hahahah....biasanye x...if our bf cancelled a date, we will not tolerate with them as we do with our best fren. Why is this happen?I also dunno. 4 me..it is automatically came out from my mind...what excuses is that? this sort of behaviour can afffect our relationship. So we have to treat our bf like we do with our best fren, the chemistry between u n ur bf could be dynamite. Muahahahah...The rules that u must follow:

1-Let him critices u
2-Hav fun together
3-Give him some respect
4-Forgive him

The most important rules for me is forgive n forget. If we can do this to our best fren why we cant do the same thing to our bf?It's simple...bcoz we expect too much from them. poor men...hahahaha. As we know men are useless in taking hints...so the solution (cleo's solution) we have to cool down...oh my....hav to practise all of these...very useful 4 me. That's all for now... will update more on how to make our love relationship brighter n even more nourishing. HOhohooho

Jan 22, 2008

ASB Dividen Part 2

Setelah m'updatekn buku asb aku...aku dpt lbh kurang rm27...so x lari jauh la kn aku punye estimation tu. Aku pn ada buat pengiraan klu nk ambik asb loan atau buat asb biasa je...
So result die....kita akn untung lbh kurang RM2000 klu kita ambik asb loan
(estimation for asb loan - RM10000 for 5 years)
(estimation for normal asb - RM200 every month for 5 years)

Tp semua ni x t'masuk bonus ok...

Bigg boss aku br je nasihat aku suh baca buku BI byk2 utk improvekn grammar aku (nmpk sgt my grammar is poor). Tpkn...i always read English mag or novels....x jd apa2 pn? So aku harap dgn dptnye aku study kt UK...akn m'improve kn lg English aku. Doakan aku dpt...

I juz apply for city U n the results will be 3 weeks from now. The SPC (skim pelajar cemerlang) form will be out early feb...so check it out guys in your main local news paper (if u want to further ur master in oversea la..)

Okey...tommorrow will be a public holiday 4 KL...Pak lah juz announce it on sunday...idup pak lah...i think this is due to hindraf and the coming election...nk menang ati rakyat le ni....kes22...
Apa2 pn luv u pak lah....chow!!!

Jan 18, 2008


I'm very confuse lately...Think hard 4 my future. Now I hav 3 option in my life :-

  • Cont. my career here with E****
  • Work in Sabah Govt
  • Further my study in City U

Well..guys..its hard 4 me. I went for a 2-days training in E*****. The elder (i mean the senior) advise me not to be a career woman. Due to their expeerience...hard to take care of the family. Wheeewww...Some more...they said what a waste i'm joining the PM. Its not my speacialist. Well...what to do?Some offer me a job in Axa-Affin as underwriter. Wow!!! Another ask me to be a tutor. This bring back my confuseness (do these word exists in the dictionary?).

Anyway...I learn much from the senior. Wow!!!They r really expert in what they do. Their experience are superb. After finish the training...I went to KLCC alone...Survey some items...and wallaaa.....bought something nice for myself.I shop like crazy even though its not pay day yet. hahaha..things that i bought

  1. Revlon Gold Digger eye shadow liquid
  2. Shirt
  3. Blouse
  4. Another shirt (haha...all from Romp)

I think Romp is in my list of fav brand now. Can't hardly wait for more fashion update from them. 4get to tell u that i hav a new housemate...seha. She's a lovely girl...so pretty...I like her. How I wish I am as pretty as her. Okla...Chow...

Jan 9, 2008

I Miss him like crazy!!!

To tell u all the truth, I keep on dreaming of my dear ofi every nite. Semua pn sweet2 dreamz la. Hehehe. Mcm dh angau la. Miss him like crazy. Yesterday...ofi dh register kt BMI... rasa biasa je...but I know I miss him really2 much when I t'tdo kt komuter. Kejap je t'tdo n then t'mimpi psl ofi. Oh, my!!!! Malu beb sb t'kejut n t'bgn. Mesti org dlm tren tu gelakkan aku. Heheh...btw..I'll be going to sabah tommorrow. Hmm....must be a long journey. Hav to sign some agreement on my scholar for previous study. Ok...salam maal hijrah to all

Jan 7, 2008

Last Kiss Goodbye

Ofi deary will going to BMI tommorrow. Feel so sad. But to think it logically and maturely..hahaha...it's not that bad. He just went to gombak,not oversea. Pratically we still can meet on his semester break or any public holiday. Yup! I think I need to calm down. Yeah! I do hate if my boss is around. Coz I cant surf my way to the net while I'm doing my work. I like doing my work n surfing around. Ahaks...reduce my tension n stress..

Hope my baby will be fine in his new world. I have so much fun with him last saturday. I like lepak2...hang out with him. Feel so hepi..bahagia...hohoho..ok...bye y'all

Jan 6, 2008

The Truth About Heart of A Men

  1. Men look tough but actually their heart is not as tough as you see
  2. Once broken, it will never ever mend or fix or recover till the rest of their life
  3. It' s the most biggest impact in their whole life
  4. It will never recover, but they still can give happiness to other women
  5. He will never ever forget and will be a mark. (something like scar la)

To the girls out there, what to do?Here some tips for u:

  1. Share your heart (because he does not hav one rite?)
  2. Trust and believe him
  3. Loves him
  4. Know what he wants
  5. Take care of his 'heart'
  6. Jealous is good but too much of it can be a poison in ur relationship

Remember, the adam's didn't have a lot of tears but their heart tears a lot and sometimes bleeding. It so sad....so let us give n share our happiness with our love one.


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