Jul 30, 2008

BTN 24th July 2008 - 28th July

Tunggu bas depan MARA. Ada dua bus...satu bas pekerja satu lagi bas sekolah. Please choose bas pekerja (klu ada 2 bus ni la). Sbb bas pekerja ni lbh selesa, sejuk n ada tv. Bus skolah ni lak..panas, xde tv n bising. Opppsss....lupa lak...time pegi ni x leh choose bus. Time balik nnt br bole pilih mn2 bus yg kita suka. Time pegi nasib la aku dpt bus pekerja ni. Best2..ada lagu2 n ada ceramah dr ustaz akhil hayy. ALhamdulillah....

Begerak dr MARA kul 7.30 pagi n sampai kul 9.10 pagi kat kem ulu sepri. Ktorg regsiter nama n amek file n cadar, pillow case n blanket. Pi la dorm masing2...klu pompuan ada 4 dorm. My dorm is 3A. 1 dorm 10 org...cukup2 la katil...so x yah naik katil tingkat 2. (Tp aku sj duk atas katil...sbb nk privacy..chewaahh...Lepas kemas2 semua...iron2 baju (iron bw sendiri tau!)...br pi minum pagi..kul 10.30. Pas minum pagi semua org masuk ke dewan utk taklimat BTN.

Ktorg bagi2 kumpulan...secara rambang je..duk je mn2...sbb nnt time LDK kena ubah gak kumpulan ni. One group ada 4 lelaki n 7 pompuan (semua skali 12 group). Pastu ktorg lantik pnghulu, penghuluwati n ajk2 lain. Tp spt biasa xde org nk volunteer..so jurulatih guna kuasa veto. Hehehehe...

Day 1 n Day 2 ceramah dr penceramah jemputan....Day n Day 4 LDK. Day 5, exam n kembara.

Ada 6 ceramah klu x silap...n 6 LDK. Ceramah2...poitik, keselamatan, wawasan 2020, isu pendidikan...n..mmm x igt.

Program dia semua okla. Penat tu mmg penat...tp best sbb klu lewat pon jurulatih x denda...hehehehe....

Riadah plg best...blajar poco2, k-robik..n bird dance. Ada gak ujian fizikal...yg mcm blog2 org lain tulis tu (b'diri satu kaki, rope jump, etc..) Tp sbb ktorg asyek ujan je kn ptg2...x sempat buat...ktorg riadah dlm dewan je. Ktorg juz lari 2km...pagi day3..n flying fox ptg tu. Tu je..Hehehehe. Ada la kawad sikit2...sng je.
Last day tu..ktorg kembara dlm utan kt situ gak. Naik turun bukit...adveture jg la...tp utan kt sbh lg adventure. Tp ktorg amek masa yg lama sbb bg group lain lalu dulu. Pastu Penghuluwati ktorg...dislocated lutut (klu x slh la)..sian dia. Ktorg start kul 11...sampai balik kem kul 12 45...lm gak..

Time2 tazkirah subuh n pas isyak...ktorg biasa tgk video. Video kemerdekaan n Hati Malaya 1957. Hehehe...tp lps dgr semua ceramah...so dah paham la cite hati malaya ni. Cite best cuma maya n kavita x sesuai la blakon cite ni.

LDK-x de la sgt pembentangan ke presentation ke...juz discussion dlm group. Siapa2 tau psl politik n isu semasa...bole la ckp. AKu ni yg x tau apa2...diam je n dgr. Heheheh..kdg2 org tanya jebr jwb.

Exam - Baca 4 buku yg dia bg tu pon byk xde dlm kertas tu. Kena la pikir2 logik sikit. Islam Hadhari masuk...tp xde pon dlm notes tu. SO korg baca la psl islam hadhari ye?

Kesimpulannya....Program ni berjaya menanamkan lagi rasa cinta kpd Malaysia, lbh mengetahui sejarah Malaysia, tahu hak2 keistimewaan org melayu, tahu perlembagaan malaysia n kontrak sosial, tahu apa kerajaan buat. KOrg bole la tanya fesi korg tentang isu2 semasa cth...psl DSAI ke...nnt diorang akn jwb..(tp jwpn sm je mcm blog che det. heheheh)

Time discussion tu kn...x lah pro pembangkang sgt...tp ada kakak2 tu kata kene gak tunjuk pro kerajaan..sbb kerajaan da bg scholar. Ntahla...kurang pasti la saya...tp klu ada soalan psl nk pilih consultant tu..jwpn btl dia kerajaan. Hehehehe...

Nnt hari ke-2 ada sesi amek gmbr..gmbr tu sapa nak..RM15. Best gak la..sbb nnt ada nama skali kt gmbr tu..bole kenal2 kn...nnt pon dpt list semua peserta,no telefon,alamat,emel n U yg diorang pegi. It's a great idea...sbb kita leh cari sapa2 lg yg akan ke U yg sm dgn kita kn? Sambil2 tu bole cari nama org yg kita minat tu. Hehehe (gatalnye dj)

Makanan : Sgtla mencukupi. Like heaven. Breakfast, minum pagi, lunch, tea, dinner, supper. Mmg x larat nk mkn. Biasa aku skip tea n supper...tp lm2 tu jurulatih suh wajib semua p dewan mkn...so nk x nk..pi gak la cite2 n minum2 je. Tray, gelas basuh sendiri. Meja nnt kemas sendiri gak. Lauk abes..minta kt dpn. Ktorg mmg raja tambah...semua pon nk tmbh. Tp ari2 ada lauk daging. Pelik2..

Sila bw peralatan yg mencukupi...heheheh

Jul 20, 2008

The Forgotten B

I'm tidying my room n found this B. Wow...still in her box. I dunno when I bought dis. But it seems I oredi forgotten about it for almost 5 years. Hahahaah.

Jul 18, 2008

MARA-BTN 24th July - 28th July

Why?Why me?There r so many people out there but y pick me for this btn?Its too soon 4 me. Hav to book my flite ticket quickly. So anyone joining me dis 24th?Rembau N.9.

I went to the imigration to do my passport. Nasib siap cpt. Why?Bcoz my old fren (my best fren during primary school) works there. Heheheh...n I use my secret weapon...my dad. Hahahahah. But its kinda weird. Why they need my dad to sign the doc?I'm over 18 oredi. I am responsible 4 my self?Rite?I know I look like secondary school student...but my ic show im over 18...hmmm...

Jul 17, 2008

Inner dj

(edited n modified from hikayat cinta to suit my inner)

Takdir pertemukanku dengan dirimu
Yang membuat aku jatuh cinta
Malam gelisahkanku tentang bayangmu
Yang hantui setiap mimpiku

Takdir yang pisahkanku
Dengan dirimu saat ini
Ketika kuterbuai dalam lumrah
Takdir cinta di hatiku

Aku mencintaimu merindukanmu
Pasti takdir tak bisa
Pertemukanku dengan dirimu (saat ini)

Coklat Muffin Kukus

Wanted to try a different kind of muffin recipe. So while searching on the net..I found this recipe. hahaha. Easy n delicious gak la. Ingrediants : flour, oil, vanilla extract, brown sugar, milk, salt, coco powder, soda bicarbonate.

As usual mix all of them slowly.

Grease ur muffin cup and steamed for 40 minutes.

Walla....look like apam rite??

Jul 15, 2008

Weekend Delite

Last weekend we make some cream puff n pasta salad. Another level up for my cooking ability. Hahahaha...mcm main game cooking academy plak. Easy n delicious. Thats what I like it! U juz need flour, butter, egg, water n baking powder Fresh from oven..hmmmm Dont forget the filling...custard cream...custard flour, condensed milk, fresh milk, lil sugar, eggs...yummy

The same salad that me n ofi prepare for his sis pot luck...xcept we dis one we add nata de coco n replace the macaroni with the spiral pasta.

T2 - OK

The luvly Tika n Tiwi from indonesia.

To my ttm...aku mau jawaban..cukup satu jawaban..lalala...lalala..

Jul 11, 2008

Mukodono Ep2 Pt1 (son-in law)

One of my fav J-Drama. Funny n byk teladan n example yg bole kita ikut. Taught us many lesson about being in a family.

Keroro Gunso Opening 1

Luv this anime. Funny n cute. Kawaiii desu ne...

Jul 10, 2008

Apple Muffin

Another boring day, so i decided to make some apple muffin(sbb byk sgt epal kt umah ni). I never try it b4. Juz hoping that the recipe works. Btw I got the recipe from muffinrecipes.net. Actualy the apple recipe r not complete, but i try n error using other recipes. What we need r flour, butter, granulated sugar, apples, vanilla essence, eggs, baking powder & salt ( http://www.muffinrecipes.net/apple-muffins.html). Had to use other cups bcoz the muffin cups has been missing???? First of all u need to cream butter and sugar with the mixer until light and fluffy. Then beat eggs, add apples (cooked n mashed) and vanilla essence. After that mix with flour, salt n baking soda. Stir the mixture until the ingrediants are moistened. Grease the muffin cup or line. Spoon the batter into the cup/line. Put apple slices or cheery or walnut or chocolate rice at the top. Than cook for 15 min, 205 C or until it became light brown. And Walaaaa......it tooks 30-60 min to prepare all of it (mixer, blend the sugar to be granulated sugar, cooked n mashed the apple).

Jul 9, 2008

Say Our Name

All In My Day Life - yesterday

Wake up early in da morning, n as usual I start my day by doing the house chores (wash clothes,tidying the house,etc,etc)

After that..rest..watch astro (HBO/E!/Animax/etc) and read mag. Normally Saji, Rasa, Keluarga, Gempak n Kreko. Must watch anime:Yakitate JaPAN@11.30am ch715.

In the evening...around 5pm, i'll cook dinner. My diet has change ever since I came home. Keluarga ni x makan tgh hari. Huhuhuh. I (me n my sis) cook Tomyam n Fried Chicken. Here, I would like to share my simple tom yam recipe. Try this at home...its so easy. First of all, prepare the ingrediant:Lemon grass, Tomatoes, chicken, onion, ginger, tom yam cube maggi, tom yam paste, cabbagge, carrot, cauli flower, chillies, lime n lime kasturi leaves (erkk..dunno what it called in english).

First, u need to boil water in a pot. Then put the chicken n the ginger. 10 min after that, put the carrot n lemon grass. N then the tom yam cube n tom yam paste. After the carrot has cooked (i mean soft??) Put all the other veges. Add some salt, lime,leaves n chillies. After that..wallaaa.... a simple tomyam chicken soup. Takes only 20-30 min.

The other dinner, is the fried chicken. I know all of u know how to do this. But my special recipe, fried it with the crispy fried chicken coating mix flour. Hehehehe...

Jul 8, 2008

My Boring Petunia Life

I read someones blog...which I can say very interesting n I enjoy reading it very much. With lotz of photos. Compared to my blog..which is faaarrr boring. No wonder he likes to read her blog than mine. X(

If someone likes ur blog..he mite drop some comment or shout out aite? SO here I am...the most boring person in the world and the most commentless blogger in the world too. I dont even get a shout out from ttm (hehehe..pas baca ni sila bg shout out..hehehehe)

Jul 6, 2008

SO...i visit my old neopets. WOw!!!!It still there. Hahahaha. COntinue to play...but I wonder how to change my pet's name bcoz I kinda hate the name...use to name her by someones name. Hav to change it quickly. So here's the pet:

Age:1,116 days
Health:8 / 8
Intelligence:above average

Very cute rite??Hav to feed my pet quickly..she's starving.

Game Addict!

Still remember my college life. We r addicted to mini game such as Diner Dash, Pizza Frenzy, Zuma and etc. When I came back to my house, My sis n bro...u know how they addicted to game so much...they show me new game. Hehehehe....Here is the list of game that I recommended. Say I'm a little outdated, but I know many of my fren also dunno yet about this game. Hahaha
  1. Sally's Spa - Jaga2 spa
  2. Jojo's Fashion Show
  3. Wedding Dash - be a wed planner
  4. Fitness Frenzy - Own n take care a Gym
  5. Cooking Academy
  6. The Woman's murder club - based on the hit series (tgh main kt tv2 skrg)
  7. Ranch Rush - Jaga ladang (but I still prefer Harvest Moon-nitendo)
  8. Nicole's Mommy Challenge - Jaga baby (br try nk dload)
  9. First Class Flury - Jd stewardess..heheheh
  10. Ice Cream Dee lites - own ur ice cream store

SO many game...penat nk type. Hav to go...nak sambung main game. SHould I continue playing my neopet.com?Mesti da mati, sbb da lama x buka. Ok...tata

Jul 4, 2008

What to blog?

Being in my own home make me really2 lazy to update my blog. Why? Bcoz I'm bz playing games: Sally's Spa & Jojo's Fashion SHow. Hehehehe. I also bz doing all the house chores n also chatting wif my dear ttm. Not to forget watch keroro gunson = p

So what to blog?Should I blog about my city u?Nah..boring. Should I blog about our political scene in Malaysia rite now?About DSAI?Hmm...I think its too sensitive...or mite I say there r many govt spy in the net. Silap2...kena tahanan ISA. Huhuhuh. Blom kawin lg x nk.

Juz got back from med check up. WHich is so easy bcoz of the benefit being the daughter of the most important person in the hospital. Hehehehe. Watch where my dad works. Whoah...similar like theme hospital that i played. Luv to see the sweet nurses. SHould I become a nurse??? Pity to see the patient...so sad if they r still young but has to suffer from dread disease. Oh my! Come to think of it again...its similar with me when I'm a kid. Thank god my lung still strong until now. Hate it when ppl said that i'm breathing to loud. What to do??Hav to cont breathing to live. Heheheehe.

Miss my ofi..uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 2, 2008

Kisah Seorang Penganggur

Yup. Starting on 1st July, I'm officially seorang penanam anggur. Heehehe. My farewell party was superb! Dpt muffler n snow cap. Mkn kt simply spice?Ntah la da lupa nama tpt tu. Apa2 pon..thanx for the party. Will remember u all. Below, pic of my gift.

Jul 1, 2008

Trip to Sabah – Day 4 (15/6/2008)

Sepilok – watch the orang utan. Sepilok is a rehabilitation cenre for orang utan. 440hektar I think. I forgot oredi the fact. There r about 400 orang utan..which we only saw 5-6? My advice..if u visit the sepilok…please go in the morning around 10 am. The feeding time is at 10 n maybe there are more org utan came out from their habitat. We go at 3pm…feeding time at afternoon so not many org utan came out mayb da kenyang mkn pagi td kn??


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