::In My Head - No Doubt::
Went for shopping wif my dear ofi at OU. Survey some winter attire at universal travel and winter time. I think the jacket at winter time are more updated and fashionable compare to universal travel. Bought a jacket for only rm125. Cheap hah??? Got 30% discount and one more thing...bcoz its a junior size. Adult jacket is more expensive. I think more than RM200. So its lucky to be me...I can wear junior size..the big one la...size 14. I also bought a long john ( recommended by kak nora..tq). SO things left to buy are laptop and shoes.
I'm back at my hometown..sandakan,sabah. Really enjoy it. Worth fasting together with ur family (da lm x puasa 1 ramadhan dgn family). Btw, on the flite juz now, I sat besides a middle age woman. She asked me what i'm doing now. I did not tell her the truth. Why? Nanti dia kata aku belagak lak klu ckp nk study p uk kn??So I juz said i further my studies in uitm. Unfortunately, she's my mum staff. Owh,kantoi la plak. I'm dead if she knows the truth. I'm a liar. Huhuhuhu.
Last word from me...Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. Puasa..puasa
resepi mudah ayam masak butter
4 years ago
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