Jan 27, 2009
Barcelona Trip
Jan 23, 2009
I'm Back !!
Juz finish my final xm. So relieved!!! But still stress a bit...CT1 n CT3 paper quit tough..so afraid that I'm gonna fail that paper (hope not..but still can resit the paper on august~Pheww!!)
Now..I hav time to blog..to read other blog...and to start my new project. New project???Yup, I'm thinking of doing new blog about food. All simple2 recipes(cikai2 punya) and review about any restaurant that I've been to. Yeah!!! I'm also celebrating my new year 2009 now!!Hahahaha...my new resolution????1)Start studying hard for my next sem xm...InsyaAllah. 2)Be nice to everyone especially to my family n my ofi and
Btw, I'm off for 3 days...going to Barcelona tommorow. Yippie!!!! Throw away all the stress and relaxing my brain after a month of studying (study ke??). Dont miss me ya?Hmm..hope to get some nice shot there. From my 3000 shot..only 1 or 2 shot yg jadi..aiyo!!!See below pic. Kira lawa jg kan???Hohoho..my fav shot
Jan 19, 2009
Armada - Gentayangan
"Maafkan Sayang
Ku harus balas dendam
Agar bisa ko rasakan
Sakitnya aku pendam
Maafkan sayang
Ku bisa gentayanagn
Bila ini semua
Tak bisa terbalaskan"
Credit to me - ssh pyh upload ni =P
Jan 18, 2009
AJL 23 - Meet Uncle Hussien

Mestikah Ada Yang Lain - Faizal Tahir
mestikah ada yang lain
perluku lakukan
untuk memujuk mengikat cintamu
dan setiap kata dan lafaz
aku ucapkan tulus
untuk memujuk mengikat cintamu
kan ku genggam cinta mu abadi
andai kata cintamu bisa merubah
semua kepahitan yang masih dirasakan
sekian lama
takkan aku biarkan
cintamu terbiar saja
akan ku patrikan
ia di dalam dada
selagi masih ada cinta di antara kita
alangkah indahnya hidupku
bila cinta biarpun di mana
bisa dirasakan gementar terharum mendayung
kau lah kekasih
cinta pencinta
pendamai jiwa
Jan 16, 2009
Sheila on 7 - Yang terlewatkan
Love dis vid coz I really like the color..bright2 color n the scenery..waaa ganteng kalo bisa dating di sini ya dgn cowok gue. Hohoho...
Ungu feat Rossa - Tercipta untukku
Even though I'm not that lucky (i.e cannot answer my final paper juz now..huhuhu) but I still hope that happiness will always be with me...so everyone..lets make me happy..ok2..juz jokin...lets be happy together...cherish this world and enjoy! In mean time dont forget to "wasatiah dalam kehidupan" and do pray for our beloved muslims all around the glob especially in Palestine.
ucapkan matahariku
ku bisik tentang hidupku
tentang ku yg tak mampu
menaklukkan waktu
Jan 14, 2009
Kertas - Penantian
Eh?Kata bz x dgr lagu????Terdengar....hihihihi
Try utube this band other song. Mainly all of their songs is for the broken heart. Sad!!!
First Paper
Its my first paper for this sem final xm. What can I say???Pass??Maybe..but exemption for the professional paper?Maybe Not. So sad!!!!!!How can this be???Its my economics paper..the one that I did well back in UiTM. Hmmm...stop thinking about it, got finance and accounting paper tommorow..need to prepare earlier.
Jan 11, 2009
Noticed anything??
Noticed anything?Hahahah. But I still love my old template..and this new one still need some editting..Aiyoh!!! Its a bit slow when u r uploading dis page, but next time..it will be faster than ur 1st visits. Adios~
Jan 9, 2009
MARA SPC Scholarship 2009/2010
Rumours said that MARA scholar ad has been out in local paper till sunday. But I dont know whether its truth or not??Juz heard it from my frens in M'sia. My opinion..juz grab the paper..if there's nothing about MARA...u can still read the papers..current issues are very important la...hehehehe...no regrets..
Yeah,its confirmed. Feewit!!!My blog update earlier than Mara website. Hohohoho. Tq lin for the info...lap u. can see the ad here mara spc 2009
Good luck to who ever applying for it
Tribute to Sheila Majid
Ku mohon
Jentayu with Nora
Jan 4, 2009
Malaysia Scholarship - Reminder
Hi guys!!I know some of you who decided to further your studies this year has been busy to do some preparation such as applying for the scholarship. This is juz a gentle reminder for u guys..to start looking for the scholar. I noticed that a few bodies has started advertising their scholarship award such as MNRB & Khazanah (oxford university). Please regularly check out the advert in newspaper and do bookmark these few links.
- Malaysia-scholarship.net
- Malaysia-scholarship.com
- MARA website
- or you could google the other page
Wow..its already a year..I juz remember how busy I am preparing for my studies last year in the same month. Few tips...apply as many scholar as you can...as a backup plan laa. Dunno which one that we r lucky in rite. Do check this website - Recom.org. Its has been so useful for me last time. The forum gave me some info on the scholar n interview tips. Its more for undergrad student but we can learn something from them too...
Any questions..can ask me...coz last time...I myself asked the kind senior for help. The kind senior here means someone that I didnt know but bump into in the cyber world (especially YM and Blogger) who are currently at that moment furthering their studies with the scholarship award. Pheww..such a long explanation. Will update if there's any new info. For the moment...I'm bz for my final exam. Do wish me luck. Tata.
Jan 3, 2009
Lets Lomo
Yup!!Lets lomo everyone. Okay2..I know I haven't yet finish exploring/playing with my A200K. But seriously..I've fallen in Love in lomographic. First need to save some money to buy the starter kit..next..update with the fisheye lens. Hohohohohoh!!!!!The disadvantage of this camera..use AA batteries and the old film roll..(itu yg x brp berkenan tu). To know more about lomography please feel free to visit here and dont forget to check out my dream lomo cam...the Holga. And to see some lomo images please free to click lomo flickr group.

Jan 2, 2009
Girl's Day Out

The satay
Ok, actually I dont know what to blog today..but I wanted to post something bcoz its the first day of the new year. Hehehe..Hmm..let me see. Okay..here some nice songs 4 u. Sedih2..sob2..hehe. September band - Jangan Tinggalkan Aku (seriously..I mean it!)