::Lagu Untukmu::
Yes!!!!MUH WON!!!!I tawt they wanna gave it to FT..nasib baik!!Even though I like FT n the song...but I think other singer is more qualified than him. Example...Best Performance should gave to Stacy (my opinion la!!) and best vocal also to Lan MUH (power suara tu..). My fav performance tonite:-
1)Stacy - Go sabahan Girl..Go(hohoho)
2)MUH - (songs n vocal superb..asal c bakri ada tiba2 jd drummer MUH ni??)
4)Spider (tam look so handsome tonite..dgn muka x de perasaan itu n ada iras2 emmett??)
5)Elyana (cute like dolly)
6)Faizal Tahir (mcm ala2 swenney todd..ala yg cite barber johnny depp tu)
Thats all my fav...and the results..
Juara Lagu - MUH LaGU Untuk MU
Juara Pop Rock - MUH
Juara Balada - Faizal Tahir Sampai Syurga
Juara Etnik Kreatif - Farawahida
Vokal - Faizal Tahir (should be Lan :( )
Persembahan Terbaik - Faizal Tahir (should be stacy..)
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