Yup!!Lets lomo everyone. Okay2..I know I haven't yet finish exploring/playing with my A200K. But seriously..I've fallen in Love in lomographic. First need to save some money to buy the starter kit..next..update with the fisheye lens. Hohohohohoh!!!!!The disadvantage of this camera..use AA batteries and the old film roll..(itu yg x brp berkenan tu). To know more about lomography please feel free to visit here and dont forget to check out my dream lomo cam...the Holga. And to see some lomo images please free to click lomo flickr group.

is cheaper to get my slr camera here or i should just buy it in uk?
hmmm...kt US lg murah..hehe..betul. Memandangkn rate tgh jth skrg ni 1pd:4.9rm. Rasanya uk murah lg.
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