Jan 9, 2009

MARA SPC Scholarship 2009/2010

::Elyana - Sandiwara::

Rumours said that MARA scholar ad has been out in local paper till sunday. But I dont know whether its truth or not??Juz heard it from my frens in M'sia. My opinion..juz grab the paper..if there's nothing about MARA...u can still read the papers..current issues are very important la...hehehehe...no regrets..

Yeah,its confirmed. Feewit!!!My blog update earlier than Mara website. Hohohoho. Tq lin for the info...lap u. can see the ad here mara spc 2009

Good luck to who ever applying for it


MeMyself said...

hello.. boleh tau serba sedikit pasal SPC nie?? ~> http://maisarahmazhar.blogspot.com


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