::Ran - Pandangan Pertama::
Last monday, there was a heavy snow in london. It was the worst snow ever in 18 years. Wow!!!Its very weird to see thick snow here. But if its in scotland..its normal but not here! The class canceled (Owh, I love snow..hahahah) and many transport didnt work..such as tube and bus. My friend even got stranded in the airport. Poor djasme. And worst...the road a bit slippery bcoz of the ice and a car accidentally hit our neighbour house (see pic below). Then Yin moved her bed far away from the window...to avoid any bad accident that will bum into our house. Pheww..I'm a bit safe coz I my room is upstair. The girls asked me to take some pic, play snowman (not that cute la) and snow ball. I'm a bit lazy coz its cold and I know I will caught cold or fell sick. But I didnt want to let them down..so I join them. and the end...I fell sick..until today. So sad!!!!I know this will happen to me. T_T Glad the snow is over. No more cold and dull n gloomy weather..
the accident
view from effy's room
view from my room
Remember this fox?I decided to call him foxy. hehehe. He also came out to play. Bet he's lonely..his fren the neighbour cat cannot come out to play (kes kena kurung la ni :p)
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