Lately I'm addicted to Coeur de pirate. Even though I dont understand what she said, hope the lyric is bad meaning or religous stuff. She start playing piano at age 3. Enjoy the vid below and do view her profile and listen more songs from her myspace here. Other recommended songs are ensemble, C'etait Salement Romantique and bercause. Enjoy!!Very cute vclip.
resepi mudah ayam masak butter
4 years ago
-kecil.suara pun kecil.suka menyanyi juga.
-agak nerd.
-bijak.skrg pun bijak.bkn time skolah seja.
-klu suda minat seseorang tu.dush.hbs la.
-aku xtau dan xbleh teruskan sbb terbayang muka DJ yg trep comel (haha mmg comel pun) smbil kelip2 mata nya yg sepet.ahahaha.sudah la.
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