On day 7 we went to visit the famous leaning tower of PISA. Spend bout 1 hour and then off to the Galilei International airport.

While we were checking in, the officer said that we need to hav visa to enter Italy n we dont hav one. Then the officer said seriously,'oh my god!I need to call the police!'. I'm starting to panic. At the moment, there's only me n yin while the others is in the other que. Since when Malaysian need visa to enter Italy???I got confuse for a while. Then the officer went out (dunno where he's off??Calling the police??Or asked his manager??) Then when he came back, he said that he let us off coz we r leaving the country already and he said that we cant enter Italy anymore. Black list??? After having my passport back, I checked if they had stamp anything in it...but no sign of blacklist n I smell something fishy!!!!So when my other friends turn to check in, different counter n different officer. The officer asked his friend besides him if malaysian need visa or not...n his friend said 'no need'. Whoah!!!! Thank god at the moment I'm in my happy n nice mood, if not..I'll asked him to say sorry n admitted that he's wrong!! Macam nk saman malu pun ada sbb time tu dia cakap kuat2....satu aiport can heard him. Apa punya worang. So arrived safely in Paris, went to buy souvenirs and then lepaking at the eiffel tower since our eurostar train to london is at 8am tommorrow morning (at the moment is 12.30am, so we hav to wait untill morning :( ). I forgot that it is sunday nite, so many ppl lepaking n drunk..aiyo!!!Nasib baik x kacau ktorg. Can see my ngantuk face in below pic (tired n x mandi 1 hari). Then we went to Gare du Nord station at 5.40 am coz the train station only starts operating at 5.40am.

Washed my face, brushed my teeth..and walla..u got a fresh new me. Hahahahah. Waiting for the eurostar at 8am. Cant wait to go back london. While filling the landing form to UK, the french officer greet me 'selamat pagi'...wow, he must hav been to M'sia n he's so polite bukan mcm officer kat Italy tu!!!! Ok off to london...bye2 paris. Owh.....so many hot french guy in paris...so handsome n cute...x macam london, x leh cuci mata pon. But not to worry, ofi is still the most handsome man :)
To be continued..
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