May 30, 2008

Eye On Malaysia

TTM will not be around this weekend. So one will accompany me during this weekend. thank god, kak sue ajak p jalan tar. What a coincidence. Hahahah. TTm also lend me his hard disk. Last nite went to tasik titiwangsa with ttm. Best2...not many people there..n then we get chance about 6 round i guess? pic below is courtesy from ttm (actually i grab it from his frenster). Taken with D40...

May 29, 2008

Fire Drill @ Office

Its fire drill at etiqa. Nasib baik la org bgtau awl2..klu tak..turun tangga la jwbnye. Managed to catch the lift. hehehe. Sian la sape yg kene turun tangga dr tingkat 22 kan?Ktorg mcm drill mcm piknik. Huahuahuaha...pic of us...sempat amek2 gmbr.. courtesy of Hp ila.

MARA-SPC Result is out!

Oh thank you Allah..tq mara 4 giving me the scholar. Syukur Alhamdulillah.Cemerlang jg aku ye???(Skim Pelajar Cemerlang). Hav a lot work to do after this. Visa?Passport?Tiket?Medical Check Up?After I received the official letter from MARA la.

My dad doesnt trust me?Then he doesnt give me to resing early. Owhh..I hate my boss!!!My dad afraid that after i finished my study..i don get job. hmm...i dunno. Rezeki d tgn tuhan.

So sad..hav to leave my family behind (sbnrnye dah biasa). Hav to leave my TTM(ni mmg sedih).Hav to be wif ecah all the time (heheheh...die kn garang n berbelit2). sorry cah. Hav to depend with each other...coz..we r the only two. Hope Dj jasmi got it. Congratz whoever got this SPC:signither,asmurai - eventhough i dunno who they r.hehehe. Sapa2 yg x dpt..ada hikmah tu. To T..dont local pon ok. N u can help me to look after my TTM in BMI. hahahahha

Cheers All (tiru org cute ADL ckp mcm ni)

May 28, 2008

Strategy Untuk Menurunkan Harga Minnyak

copy&paste - no plagiarism =P

Untuk semua penduduk di malaysia tak kira apa bangsa pun........baik
melayu, china , india atau lain2 bangsa...

Idea yang sangat menarik? Tapi adakah ianya berkesan?

Nampaknya menjelang tahun depan harga petrol akan menghampiri RM 2.00.
Mahu supaya harga petrol turun? Kita perlukan satu tindakan bijak dan bersepadu.
Philip Hollsworth menawarkan idea bagus ini. Ianya LEBIH BERKESAN
berbanding kempen 'jangan beli petrol pada hari tertentu' yang
dilakukan pada April atau Mei lalu. Syarikat minyak hanya akan mentertawakan
sebab mereka tahu dengan tidak membeli petrol, kita akan menyusahkan diri
sendiri. Ia lebih menyusahkan pengguna sendiri berbanding penjual.

Tapi, tak kiralah dari siapa idea ini yang mencadangkan pelan yang
benar-benar berkesan. Sila teruskan membaca dan ambillah bahagian dalam rancangan
ini. Mengikut kenyataan dari negara-negara pengeluar minyak anggota OPEC
harga seliter petrol adalah semurah 89 hingga 95 sen sahaja.Tetapi syarikat
syarikat pembekal minyaklah yang mengaut keuntungan besar dari situasi sekarang ini.
Kita sebagai pengguna perlukan tindakan agresif untuk 'mengajar' mereka
bahawa PEMBELI juga ada kuasa untuk yang mengawal harga,bukan
penjual sahaja. Dengan harga petrol yang naik begitu tinggi sekarang ini, kita pengguna
perlu bertindak segera. Satu cara yang disarankan untuk menurunkan harga
petrol ialah dengan memberikan tamparan 'market leader' industri berkenaan,
iaitu dengan tidak membeli petrol dari penjual tertentu.Ini dapat kita
lakukan tanpa menyusahkan diri kita sendiri.

Ideanya begini :-

Untuk sepanjang tahun ini, JANGAN beli petrol dari TIGA SYARIKAT
Tiga syarikat gergasi inilah yang sebenarnya mengawal harga runcit
petrol dan mengaut keuntungan untuk diri mereka sendiri.Sistem ini sejajar
dengan cara business kapitalis Yahudi yang tidak langsung mempunyai perasaan
bertimbang rasa sesama manusia. Jika mereka tidak merasa penjualan petrol mereka menurun secara tiba-tiba sedangkan pesaing mereka akan terus maju, mereka akan mula menurunkan
harga. Dan jika mereka berbuat demikian yang lain akan turut serta.
Tetapi, untuk kaedah ini memberi kesan, kita kena memberitahu berjuta pembeli

Juseleeno Prediction - copy from chained mail

Let see if its true or not...

Mr. Juseleeno, born in 1960(reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilian who has made many predictions, and MOST have come to pass, including Princess Diana’s death by car accident (which is instigated by someone near her and will probably unfortunately be written off as a car accident), 911 and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He sees the future in his dreams, and has an average of 3 to 9 such predictions per day. When he wakes up, he will write them down, and send warnings to those concerned. If it concerns only a normal individual, he will write a letter to warn him/her. If it is a famous person(celebrity, politician etc.), or matters concerning the public, he will not only send it to the individual himself/herself, but also related agencies, government, and media. He urged the media to publicise these predictions, but the reply always went along the lines of rejection for fear of arousing public panic.

Future predictions:

2008, July: There will be an earthquake in Japan, which will cause a tsunami of 30 plus metres high to occur as well.
2008, 18th September: An earthquake with magnitude of approximately 9.1 will rock China , simultaneously causing a tsunami of more than 30 metres to occur, resulting in the deaths of more than 1 million people. Although this huge earthquake will happen after the Olympics have ended, there will be a series of relatively smaller earthquakes occurring in China before the huge earthquake. The China government, which is more concerned with the success of the Olympics, will most likely neglect to employ appropriate cautionary measures, thus the high casualty rate. If the China government does not publicise the occurrence of these minor earthquakes and evacuate people, the number of deaths will be as predicted.
2008, 17th December: terrorist attack in America
2010: The temperatures in some countries of Africa could be as high as 58 degrees Celsius, and there will be a serious shortage of water.
2010, 15th June: The New York Stock Exchange market will fail, causing an international financial crisis.
2011: The research on the treatment of some cancers will be completed, but a new life-threatening virus will appear. People who are infected will die after only approx. 4 hours of coming into contact with the virus.
2013, 1st – 25th November: Research on treatment of cancers, except for brain tumors, will be completed. An earthquake, caused by volcanic eruptions, will happen on Bahama Island of the Canary Islands. A gigantic tsunami of roughly 150 metres will result. America mainlands, Brazil etc. will be affected, with the tsunami pushing into the land as far as 15 to 20 kilometres. Before the occurrence of this gigantic tsunami, the sea/ocean water levels will sink by about 6 metres, and large flocks of birds will start to migrate.
2014: A small planet that has been gradually closing in on Earth might eventually collide with Earth, and this collision, if come to pass, will affect the survival of humans as a whole.
2015: By the mid of November, the average temperature of Earth could be as high as 59 degrees Celsius. Many people will die from the overheat, and international confusion and terror ensues.
2016, April: A huge typhoon will invade China, causing massive damage. The 43rd USA president, George Walker Bush, will enter the hospital, and faces a life or death situation.
2026, July: A super earthquake will occur in Sans Francisco, and it will be named “The Big One”. Huge damage to surrounding areas. Many volcanoes will re-activate, and the height of resulting tsunami will be more than 150 metres.

Mr. Juseleeno made known his predictions in hopes that people will take heed of his warnings, so that these disasters may be avoided. He hopes there will be a major change in the thinking of people’s mindsets in the time period 2007 – 2008. One factor will be the environmental issue of global warming, which is more serious than what some meteorologists assume.

May 27, 2008

Bukit Tinggi terletak dalam zon sesar bumi - Utusan Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR 26 Mei – Kawasan Bukit Tinggi di Pahang yang terletak dalam zon sesar di mana lapisan bumi bergeser antara satu sama lain menjadi punca kejadian gempa kecil kerap berlaku di kawasan itu termasuk pagi semalam.
Pensyarah Jabatan Geologi, Universiti Malaya (UM), Prof. Madya Datuk Dr. Mohamad Ali Hasan berkata, lokasi itu menyebabkan Bukit Tinggi mudah menerima kesan daripada gempa bumi di negara jiran.
“Walaupun kawasan Bukit Tinggi terletak jauh dari China dan Indonesia, tetapi ia masih boleh menerima gegaran kuat di daratan berbanding kawasan lain di Malaysia.
“Ia juga boleh dikaitkan dengan tekanan persekitaran yang kuat di Asia Pasifik,” katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia hari ini.
Zon sesar ialah celahan pada kerak bumi yang berada di perbatasan antara dua lempeng tektonik dan kejadian gempa dipengaruhi pergerakan batuan serta lempeng pada sesar berkenaan.
Sejak November tahun lalu, sebanyak 21 gempa bumi kecil telah menggegarkan kawasan Bukit Tinggi dengan gegaran terbaru berukuran 3.1 pada skala Richter berlaku pukul 9.36 pagi semalam.
Mengulas kekerapan kejadian gempa bumi dan gegaran di kawasan itu sejak kebelakangan ini, Mohamad Ali berkata, perbuatan manusia turut boleh dikaitkan dengan kejadian alam itu akhir-akhir ini.
“Pembinaan empangan dan bangunan tinggi turut memberi kesan kepada tekanan bumi,’’ katanya sambil memberi contoh empangan China yang terbesar di dunia menjadi antara faktor utama berlakunya gempa bumi di negara itu.
Sementara itu, Pengarah Bahagian Geofizik dan Tsunami, Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia, Mohd. Rosaidi Che Abas berkata, kekerapan kejadian gempa bumi dan geseran di kawasan Bukit Tinggi telah berkurangan berbanding sebelum ini.
Katanya, batu-batan kawasan itu sedang mengalami proses penstabilan dan ia mungkin membebaskannya daripada ancaman bencana.
“Sejak awal lagi, Malaysia adalah kawasan yang bebas daripada ancaman bencana alam. Tetapi sejak kejadian tsunami pada 2004, tekanan tektonik mula aktif di negara ini dan ia menyebabkan kekerapan kejadian gempa bumi,” katanya.
Bagaimanapun katanya, keadaan itu kini semakin stabil.
“Bahagian Geologi jabatan ini turut memantau keadaan di seluruh negara khususnya di kawasan Bukit Tinggi pada setiap hari,”

Tuesday Bluff

No monday blues yesterday, bcoz my boss is on leave. Yup, its school holidays. Thats y my dept is as quiet as mouse. Only the single left. Unmarried or without kids. N today my boss is out for 2-day courses. Yipeeee!!!!! However hav work to do. But without him..I can do my task happily and peacefully. Hahaha.

Went to Jalan TAR yesterday, helping seha for her shopping list b4 her big day (graduation day). oh my gosh...the tudung r beautiful...n the bags?????Regret I bought a new handbag..bcoz at masjid jamek its like bag heaven.

Gossip of the day:
*2 of my frenz r in depressed mode n grace period. Why?As problem. One guy r getting married. The other guy hav a new gf. Ouch!!!Another heartbreak kid. As my advice earlier...go on with ur life. Kumbang bukan seekor. Heheheeh. But I want my kumbang. X nak kumbang lain.

*2nd gossip, my senior from smsld is getting engaged. Two of them. Batch 97-01 & 96-00. Guess who?As usual..i'm the secret keeper. Cannot tell the others. Pe la nak bende elok. Maybe x nk heboh2 sbb baru tunang kot???X manis org kata? comment. Rahsia kita2 jak usin. Jgn bgtau org ya!!!

May 26, 2008

Monday Bluff

Ok..i upload some of aimi's engagement pic. Actually only two...hahahahah. I dunno where the other pic missing.

*Quote of the day: What past is past!U should 4get the past to start a new life.When people done something wrong 2 u, u shouldn't do the same thing to others. Juz believe the karma.

May 24, 2008

Chronicles of Narnia:The Prince Caspian

Ofi bought the movie tix @ GSC OU. Nice seat. Tq 4 the wonderful nite dear. Hmmm..let me see, i give 4 stars 4 the movie. The prince is cute.hehehe.Byk scene sedih. Poor narnia's soldier yg mati d medan perang.Ahaks!!!Actually I never watch the 1st movie..but ofi said..the 2nd one is better than the 1st one. okla klu mcm tu...cheers..

May 23, 2008

Pic-A-Boo wedding pic

Some of my fren wed pic. Tifa & Suami, Ja & hubby.

May 22, 2008

Trip To Genting

Participant:DJ,Ofie,Ardzi,Seha (still open)
Date: tba (somewhere in Jun)


Tol:RM10 -pegi balik
Minyak:RM30 (byk2 nnt x leh naik bukit)
Tiket:RM38 - outdoor
Rm51 - outdoor&Indoor&wetpark (semua la) tp ecah kata amek outdoor je

Total per person:RM60

Disorder in The Court

> ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
> WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
> ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of
> the impact?
> WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
> ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect
> your memory at all?
> ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your
> memory?
> WITNESS: I forget.
> ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example
> of something you
> forgot?
> ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband
> said to you that
> morning?
> WITNESS: He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?'
> ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
> WITNESS: My name is Susan!
> ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a
> person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it
> until the next morning?
> WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
> ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old,
> how old is he?
> WITNESS: Uh, he's twenty.
> ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was
> taken?
> WITNESS: Are you shittin' me?
> ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby)
> was August 8th?
> ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
> WITNESS: Uh.... I was gettin' laid!
> ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
> ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
> WITNESS: None.
> ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
> WITNESS: Are you shittin' me? Your Honour, I
> think I need a different attorney.
> Can I get a new attorney?
> ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
> WITNESS: By death.
> ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
> WITNESS: Now whose death do you suppose
> terminated it?
> ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
> WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a
> beard.
> ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
> WITNESS: Guess.
> ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning
> pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your
> attorney?
> WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to
> work.
> ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have
> you performed on dead people?
> WITNESS: All my autopsies are performed on dead
> people. Would you like to rephrase that?
> ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK?
> What school did you go to?
> WITNESS: Oral.
> ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you
> examined
> the body?
> WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
> ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
> WITNESS: No, he was sitting on the table
> wondering why I was doing an autopsy on him!
> ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine
> sample?
> WITNESS: Huh....are you qualified to ask that
> question?
> And the best for last:
> ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the
> autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
> ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
> ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
> ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the
> patient
> was alive when you began the autopsy?
> ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
> WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk
> in a jar.
> ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still
> been alive,nevertheless?
> WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have
> been alive and practicing law.

Kids are Quick

TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America .
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
CLASS: Maria.
TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.
TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.
TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I.'
MILLIE: I is..
TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'
MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'
TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.
TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.
TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher

May 20, 2008

Lawak Opis

again, i got nothin' to do with this joke. Juz copy n paste from my chained office mail.Njoy!

1. Kondominium tidak ada kena mengena
dengan kondom.
Tetapi di kondominium kita boleh dapat
banyak kondom terpakai.

2. Aurat dan urat adalah dua benda
yang berbeza. Namun begitu,
apabila melihat perempuan yang
mendedahkan aurat,
urat lelaki akan krem di sesetengah

3. Kuih tat enak di makan. Tapi
apabila kita makan
lapan keping kuih tat, kita mungikin
dituduh mencarut.
Kalau tak percaya, cuba kira satu tat,
dua tat, tiga tat, sampai lapan.

4. Laksamana adalah jawatan besar di
dalam kesultanan
Melayu Melaka. 'Laksa kedah' pula
adalah contoh
jawapan kalau orang tanya kita 'laksa
mana ni?'

5. Barbeque adalah makanan yang enak.
Namun begitu
'babi queue' haram dimakan oleh orang

6. Sesetangah orang memanggil cili
sebagai cabai. Tapi
kalau mulut nak kena cabai, cuba la
cakap 'c*b*i' kat depan orang tua-tua.

7. Membuat tauhu sumbat sungguh
meletihkan. Lebih letih
lagi kalau orang lain hanya tahu nak
sumbat je tauhu
sumbat dalam mulut.

8. Si Bosia dan Bojan dipandang hina
oleh masyarakat.
Namun begitu si Boroi yang makan duit
rakyat mendapat sanjungan.

9. Bermain bola keranjang memang
meletihkan. Bermain
di ranjang juga boleh meletihkan.

10. Allahyarham P.Ramlee tak pernah
dapat Lesen P
sebab baru diperkenalkan. Penyanyi pop
yeh yeh L.Ramli
mungkin pernah dapat lesen L. Tapi
A.Ramlie tak pernah dapat lesen A
sebab tak ada.

11. Ramai orang lelaki takut kalau-
kalau mati pucuk.
Tapi tak takut kalau-kalau mati esok

May 18, 2008


Kau begitu sempurna
Dimataku kau begitu indah
kau membuat diriku
akan slalu memujamu
Disetiap langkahku
Kukan slalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa kubayangkan
hidupku tanpa cintamu

*Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna.. Sempurna..

Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku

This song are famous when it become the ost of LoVe..sang by Gita Gutawa. But I think I prefer the original singer which is andra & the backbone. So, which one do u like??Dedicate this song specially to ofie yummie. 'KAU BEGITU SEMPURNA'


Gita Gutawa - OST Love

May 16, 2008

Holiday on Monday

How I luv friday. N How I love next monday coz it will be wesak day. How I love my life as a career woman xcept 4 the boss. Hahahaha...lps rindu semnjak mc 2 ari. Nothing much to blog. Hmm...Wanna make some tix reservation but seems that everyone has booked online oredi. Wanna make online payment..but its all under maintanence. What the he**$#. Should i buy the tix??Bcoz theres a futsal on5pm?R ofi will be joining that game?He must be. Hope to see what happen in las vegas..but cant manage to book that tix. Hmmm...which movie to choose?Speed racer?Drilbit taylor?The tattoist?Pening2...

Still don hav appetite to eat n doing my work. My brain has a temporary shut down. it needs a maintainence too. Hahahaha..ok my lovely readers...gtg...daaa

May 13, 2008

Update again

Again...take EL today. JUz managed to reach KL Sentral. Mcm nk t'muntah (aik muntah2 je dj..da pa pe ke?). Feel very tired. So decided to go back. SO tommorrow really need to get back to work. But untill now - 9.11pm, still rasa in my stomach. Ask my doctor which is my parents, they said mayb bcoz i dont eat fruits n veges these few days. Yup...they may be correct. oklA..leave u all with gigi - 11 januri

May 12, 2008

My Health Update

This is the worst fever i've ever had. Sampai sesak2 nafas i tell u. Luckily there are clinic that open 24 hrs. If not..i dunno what will happen to me. The doctor gave me some strong medication. WHich make me sleepy n tired. N thats the reason why I nearly fainted...3 times nk pitam. I just see blank n can feel my blood flow stop. Quickly I lay on my bed. Igtkn da kuat bole p masak2 n basuh2 kain. Unfortunately no.

To avoid all of this, i stop some of the medication. Hahahaha...lmbt sembuh pon lmbt la. Yg penting x pengsan. Juz took antibiotic n cough syrup. Hahahaha...very minimum quantity. Thats again the reason why my body temperature still high.

Ari ni dpt housemate br. As usual dj will be very helpfull in carrying things up to the house. (konon2 kuat la mcm tomb rider!). At last..felt very tired n nk t'muntah. Nasib baik minum air byk2. Stil perut sakit2. Ok...need to rest more..hope I'm getting well n fitt 4 work tommorrow. Amin.

May 10, 2008


Demam teruk...rasa tak tahan sgt. Hav to cancel to go to PWTc- Leen's wed. SOrry Lin. Only managed to went to Aimi's engagement. Da mkn ubat but still sakit teruk, yin gurau2 ckp sbb ofi xde..tula demam. The fact is, pagi td dh baik demam sikit, but still b'usaha pegi Aimi's engagement. So...b'tmbh sakit. Hadiah tunang aimi is with me.SO kena la pegi..lgpon x nk kecewakan kwn2 yg lain. They all miss me ya..hehehehe.

Aimi getting married on 23th August. Wow...only 2 months ahead. Actually my fever start when I went out to midvalley to buy aimi n lin's present. The weather was so hot until when I enter my office, I've got sore throat. Then I know...I'll be getting fever. Cooked some porridge..but don hav appetite to eat. I can't sleep anymore bcoz too many sleep oredi. aduiii..ada2 sj c dj ni. Ok..chow.

May 9, 2008


Me & My boyfriend - Mocca

Actually bkn stalker yg 'stalker' tu. Ni sj bagi gempak. Tp mmg ada la bbrp org yg ala2 stalker gitu yg penah dijumpai. I've rid one 'stalker' by saying that i'm getting engaged. Nasib baik la org ni paham bahasa. Terus dah x ganggu my life. I get phobia dgn perangai org2 mcm ni. Menakutkn...rasa mcm d perhatikn setiap masa...feel uncomfortable. The worst feeling is that...paranoid n the phobia. Rasa hidup dlm ketakutan. Tekanan tau!!

Last nite the other 'stalker' call(hampir sethn kot x kontek). Nasib baik la tgh mamai2. X igt apa die dgr2 die ckp nk jmpa kt curve/Ou. PAstu dgr gak dia ckp psl bf2 ni. Tp x igt. Hahaha...

This morning...aduiii..bump with this guy. The one that always staring at me. N last week...when there was a vacant seat besides me..terus dia duduk..n chit chatting with me. Mlsnye nk layan. N today bump again with him...n nmpk sgt die b'usaha nk p dkt ktorg..but he did not managed to do that...nasib baik la ramai org n sesak. Tq2. You know they r one of them when ur feeling suddenly changed(ntah pa pe aku tulis ni). Translation: Kita tau diorang ni m'bahaya jika tiba2 perasaan kita jd takut tiba2. Mcm ada something x betul. Hate that feeling.

Bf seha masuk satu blog ni..juz bump into that blog n found her gf pic in that blog. SO die dh nasihat seha bg private gmbr2 dia kt frenster n myspace. Yeah..i've seen this b4. What they did is, amek gmbr pompuan lw2 kt frenster/mysapce/facebook/etc, then buat slideshow or masuk kt dlm blog. Terukkn?It's like web crime. But..the thing is from us. Make sure juz add frenz that u really knew.secondly, only ur friends can view ur profile..please restricted it. Thirdly, never post one self photo. Letak gmbr b'dua ke b'tiga ke.(aku mcm ade gmbr sorg2 je?....haa...btl la..stalker pon da amek). Tp x pe...klu kita ni x lw...jgn x kn amek...juz beware je.

News update : - another fren is getting engaged end of this year. Again, she asked me to keep dis secret. Mende la korg..klu rahsia jgn bgtau aku. Pnt simpan2 rahsia ni. Not good at it.
Ofi going 4 camping. Gonna miss him very much..xpe2..jmpa next week. Mcm mn nk p london kan klu x thn x jmpa 1 mggu (another angan2..stop dreaming!!)

May 8, 2008

Another test...

Just testing upload image using html...

Pregnancy Tips (18 sx)

Tips from Dr. C-Ma (hehehhehe)

Hope can help all of u out there...juz something nice to share

According to Dr. C-Ma, please visits ur doctor n mak bidan. Mak bidan 4 urut2. Sometimes there might be urat2 yg kena urut n betulkn mn yg x betul. Seriously, even Dr. C-Ma went to the Mak Bidan.

Next tips..juz quote from Dr C-Ma nk tulis lak tiba2 :-

The 2 medicine that doctor slalu bagi is folic acid n clomid.
clomid - mkn mase hari ke-2 until hari ke-6 period
folic acid- mkn 1 biji setiap hari

"Pastu sexual intercourse tu hanya boleh ade mase period dah abis iaitu hari ke-8, hari ke-12 n hari ke-15 (kira dari hari 1st period). Between the gap xleh ade. Mase gap tu xleh ade sbb nnt air mani husband n wife tu xkuat. Utk kuatkan at least kene rest 2-3 days. After hari ke-15 boleh ade,its up to u" (quote from her..kang ada lak cop aku 18sx)

Ok..thats all. Hope bole bantu korg2 yg bakal mendirikan umah batu n dah kawen dah...AGain, this publish is 4 sharing and as a reminder for me...lain kali bole belek2 archives klu da kawin nnt...insyaAllah..Amin2..Last but not least, Selamat Pengantin Baru tu Sufian & Norhazlin n Selamat Bertunang to Aimi & Habas.

please visits for more info

May 7, 2008


copy n paste 2 share (as a reminder 4 myself n all my fren)

Renungkanlah sedalam-dalamnya .
Jodoh tiada kaitan dengan keturunan. Hanya belum sampai masanya. Ia
bagai menanti jambatan untuk ke seberang. Kalau panjang jambatannya
jauhlah perjalanan kita. Ada org jodohnya cepat sebab jambatannya
singkat. Usia 25 tahun rasanya belumlah terlalu lewat. Dan usia 35
tahun belum apa2 kalau sepanjang usia itu telah digunakan untuk
membina kecemerlangan. Nyatakanlah perasaan dan keinginan anda itu
dalam doa2 lewat sembahyang. Allah mendengar.
Wanita baik untuk lelaki yang baik, sebaliknya wanita jahat untuk
lelaki yang jahat. Biar lambat jodoh asalkan mendapat Mr Right dan
biar seorang diri drpd menjadi mangsa lelaki yang tidak beriman
kemudian nanti.
Memang kita mudah tersilap mentafsir kehidupan ini. Kita selalu
sangka, aku pasti bahagia kalau mendapat ini. Hakikatnya, apabila kita
benar2 mendapat apa yang kita inginkan itu, ia juga dtg bersama
Kita selalu melihat org memandu kereta mewah dan terdetiklah di hati
kita, bahagianya org itu. Hakikatnya apabila kita sendiri telah
memiliki kereta mewah kita ditimpa pelbagai kerenah. Tidak mustahil
pula org yang memandu kereta mewah(walaupun sebenarnya tak mewah)
terpaksa membayar lebih tatkala berhenti untuk membeli durian di tepi
jalan. Orang lain membeli dengan harga biasa, dia terpaksa membayar
berlipat ganda.
Ketika anda terperangkap dalam kesesakan jalan raya, motosikal
mencelah-celah hingga mampu berada jauh di hadapan. Anda pun mengeluh,
alangkah baiknya kalau aku hanya menunggang sebuah motosikal seperti
itu dan cepat sampai ke tempat yang dituju. Padahal si penunggang
motosikal mungkin sedang memikirkan bilakah dia akan memandu kereta di
tgh2 bandar raya.
Bukan semua yang anda sangka membahagiakan itu benar2 membahagiakan.
Bahagianya mungkin ada tapi deritanya juga datang sama. Semua benda,
pasti ada baik buruknya.
Demikian juga perkahwinan. Ia baik sebab ia dibenarkan oleh agama,
sunnah Nabi, sebagai saluran yang betul untuk melepaskan shahwat di
samping membina sahsiah dan sebagainya, tapi ia juga buruk sebab ramai
org yang berkahwin hidupnya semakin tidak terurus.
Ramai orang menempah neraka sebaik sahaja melangkahkan kaki ke alam
berumahtangga. Bukankah dengan ijab dan Kabul selain menghalalkan
hubungan kelamin, tanggungjawab yang terpaksa dipikul juga turut
banyak? Bukankah apabila anda gagal melaksanakannya, anda membina dosa
seterusnya jambatan ke neraka?
Berapa ramaikah yang menyesali perkahwinan masing2 padahal dahulunya
mereka bermati-matian membina janji, memupuk cinta kasih malah ada
yang sanggup berkorban apa sahaja asalkan segala impian menjadi nyata?
Jika tidak sanggup untuk bergelar isteri tidak usah berkahwin dulu.
Jika merasakan diri belum cukup ilmu untuk bergelar ibu ataupun ayah,
belajarlah dulu. Jika rasa2 belum bersedia untuk bersabar dgn kerenah
anak2, carilah dulu kesabaran itu. Jangan berkahwin dahulu sebab
kenyataannya ramai yang tidak bersedia untuk melangkah tetapi telah
melompat, akhirnya jatuh terjerumus dan tidak jumpa akar berpaut
tatkala cuba mendaki naik.
Berkahwin itu indah dan nikmat bagi yang benar2 mengerti tuntutan2nya.
Berkahwin itu menjanjikan pahala tidak putus2 bagi yang menjadikannya
gelanggang untuk mengukuhkan iman, mencintai Tuhan dan menjadikan
syurga sebagai matlamat. Berkahwin itu sempadan dari ketidaksempurnaan
insan kepada kesempurnaan insan - bagi yang mengetahui rahsia2nya.
Berkahwinlah anda demi Tuhan dan Nabi-Nya, bukan berkahwin kerana
perasaan dan mengikut kebiasaan. Jodoh usah terlalu dirisaukan, tiba
masanya ia akan datang menjemput, namun perlu juga anda membuka
lorong2nya agar jemputan itu mudah sampai dan tidak terhalang. "

Seorang teman pernah berpesan..
"Kadang2 Allah sembunyikan matahari..
Dia datangkan petir dan kilat..
kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya,
kemana hilangnya sinar..
Rupa2nya.. Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi.." "

`Cinta yang disemadikan tidak mungkin layu selagi adanya imbas
kembali. Hati yang remuk kembali kukuh selagi ketenangan dikecapi.
Jiwa yang pasrah bertukar haluan selagi esok masih ada. Parut yang
lama pastikan sembuh selagi iman terselit didada...`

May 6, 2008

Weekend Fab

Last weekend join ofi n his BMI frenz watched 'Forbidden Kingdom'. I tawt I bought the wrong ticket..but when jacky chan appear...I know i'm not is the producer fault. Hehehehe. Then went to Rasta 4 makan2 n to Kak Lana's Doa selamat 4 her new house. Ala2 house warming gitu. The food is delicious...nasi padang. Owh...nyum2. Help ofi to tidy up the house...actually I tlg tgk je. Tlg sikit2 la gak.

Sunday, breakfast with ofi, his aunty (which i never saw b4) and his mum. Then again, went to TGV OU 4 IronMan. This time I gave 5 stars 4 the muvie. Luv Gwyneth very much. She's very beautiful n not 4get the reporter from vanity fair..lawa gak. Then went to SAMBA watch ofi play futsal. Balik umah...hav dinner wif him...went to KD n wallaaa...back home @ 1130pm. Juz nice to sleep n get ready for the next monday blues. Tq dear for the fun weekend. Cheers all...

May 5, 2008

Oh No!!!!

Oh no!!!I accidently deleted my page widget, layout n template. The worst case scenario is I can't revert back to my normal template which means I hav to use the classic one (which use the HTML stuff!!) I'm not really good at HTML..but I learn a lil myself. Gosh...hate it!!Felt very regret coz never save the coding of my page (ie:Clock,shout out,picturetrail,counter n daisy path banner). Hav to start from the beginning. Really2 hate it. Hav to edit some more..will do this after office hour. Wish me Luck!!!

May 2, 2008

Aku & Dirimu - Dj & Ofi (hehehehe)

This is one of my fav performance @ APM 2008. Lagu ni sedap..sesuai utk mereka yg tgh b'cinta2

May 1, 2008

INSA - Fly away

one of my fav song...always make me cry. Two versions here

1) Jaejoong with piano version
2)A Millionaire's 1st love ost - DBSK sang together


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