Tips from Dr. C-Ma (hehehhehe)
Hope can help all of u out there...juz something nice to share
According to Dr. C-Ma, please visits ur doctor n mak bidan. Mak bidan 4 urut2. Sometimes there might be urat2 yg bengkak..so kena urut n betulkn mn yg x betul. Seriously, even Dr. C-Ma went to the Mak Bidan.
Next tips..juz quote from Dr C-Ma writing..mls nk tulis lak tiba2 :-
The 2 medicine that doctor slalu bagi is folic acid n clomid.
clomid - mkn mase hari ke-2 until hari ke-6 period
folic acid- mkn 1 biji setiap hari
clomid - mkn mase hari ke-2 until hari ke-6 period
folic acid- mkn 1 biji setiap hari
"Pastu sexual intercourse tu hanya boleh ade mase period dah abis iaitu hari ke-8, hari ke-12 n hari ke-15 (kira dari hari 1st period). Between the gap xleh ade. Mase gap tu xleh ade sbb nnt air mani husband n wife tu xkuat. Utk kuatkan at least kene rest 2-3 days. After hari ke-15 boleh ade,its up to u" (quote from her..kang ada lak cop aku 18sx)
Ok..thats all. Hope bole bantu korg2 yg bakal mendirikan umah batu n dah kawen dah...AGain, this publish is 4 sharing and as a reminder for me...lain kali bole belek2 archives klu da kawin nnt...insyaAllah..Amin2..Last but not least, Selamat Pengantin Baru tu Sufian & Norhazlin n Selamat Bertunang to Aimi & Habas.
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