May 20, 2009

BTS:Weekend in Amsterdam

::Zee avi-Kantoi::

BTS = Behind the scenes. Heheheh. What actually happened to us in the making of 'weekend in amsterdam' film =P


We r supposed to catch the 8pm coach (bus xpress) from the victoria coach station. But while we were Q-ing up to check in (ala2 naik flite gitu), effy realized that she brought the wrong passport (the old one). Waduh!!! Gawat dong!!! Its only 15 minutes b4 the departure. Then effy said to me n djasme to go ahead. What???She's the one who eagerly wanted to go to kew garden, not us! Everyone got panic n shock...and me being the 'almost tenang' gurl, heheheheh, decided to try our luck to postpone our ticket to 10pm and asked effy to ran back home and bring the rite passport! So effy went back n djasme Q up to pospone the ticket and guess what??There's a long Q and we r so afraid that we couldnt make it. Its 9.30pm when it came to our turn (we q from 8pm to 9.30pm ok!!Tired!!!). But lucky for us..managed to postpond the ticket n only charged 3pd per person for the penalty which effy will bear all the costs. hohohoho. So effy reach the station at 9.45pm n then we check in and happily off to the bus.


It tooks 12 hours from London to Amsterdam and need to cross the sea (ntah la laut apa but known as english channel...yg penting bukan laut china selatan,lol!). The sea crossing from Dover,Kent to Callais (in france kot?) take about 2 hours by ferry. I'm excited to talk about this ferry. When effy said that we will hav this ferry ride, I tawt its like the ferry in Penang...but I'm wrong!Tak mcm ferry pun...more like a cruise ship to me. Hahahah. There's a food court inside, game arcade, bar, cafe, big screen tv and etc (ala mcm dlm cruise ship yg sanchai n ase naik in meteor garden ;P). There's even costa coffee inside the ferry. wow!!

white cliff of dover
I'm supposed to take a lots of pic while in the ferry..unfortunately the strong wave???make me a lil sick and dizzy and I went to sleep to avoid any worse sickness (esok mo jln mn bole sakit). After the crossing, naik balik bus and sempat la lalu France and Belgium before we arrived to our destination, Amsterdam at 10am.

*** Had our breakfast. Bekal nasi goreng and lepak at Burger king to hav some coffee then continue our trip to Keukenhof Garden. No need to tell the story again..juz see the pic in previous post. Heheheh. ***

After kew garden, we went to amsterdam central. Lots of bicycle and a lil motorcycle and sk8ters. I think the mean transport there is bicycle?? There's tram too. Sempat la lari2 lintas jln tram, last time in Barcelona..punya takut mo lintas jln tram. Hehehehe. We look for halal restaurant and we did found it. But...the staff (dunno la the chef or the owner??) did something harrassmnt tp bukan jg mcm tu..a bit la to one of us. But definitely not me la. Dare to touch me?..siap kena karate nnt..Wachaa!!!! So we pon angkat kaki from the restaurant. But not long after that, we saw an accident juz in front of us. A motorcycle and a sk8ter. Woooo....i dont like the scenes. After that we went to burger king to eat some fries..hahahaha..eksiden terus makan??Takut sgt sampai the only thing that we can think off is eat :) *** After jalan2 di kota amsterdam (x lawa mn pon), we take the 10pm coach back to london. This time I'm ready with my cam to take some photo while in the ferry. Unfortunately, this time no ferry. Waa..sedih!!! Hav u heardabout The Channel Tunnel??It connect the french and england via this tunnel. I'm so amazed!!! This time our bus use the eurotunnel shuttle service. Va va voom. Photo restricted inside the shuttle but here some of pic I got from wikipedia. But to tell u the truth..till now I'm still amazed. How can they build this tunnel?Tak selama ni tau jg la ada eurostar (train) dr england to x terrpikir plak. Hahahaha. Enuff of the story. So we arrived home safely at 9am sunday. Then terus masak2 and the story continue in previous post about aisyah's beday. Hahahah. *** Overall I spent 33 euro only. Itu pun 20 euro for connection bus and keukenhof entrance fee. Souvenirs for my housemate (diorang byr blk la). So x la spent byk pon. But still records goes to my trip in Barcelona. 50 euro for 3d2n trip. Hoho..sgt la berjimat cermat. Next trip to france, italy and berlin,German. (insyaAllah). Klu swine flu dah tenang la. Lots of pic from effy n djasme x transfer lg. Cant wait for my pic with sunglasses...hohohoho



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