Why I'm sad? B'coz I juz knew that my teddy tales pencil case was stolen too. Inside it were all the movie tickets I watch with dear ofi n the most precious one is the PGLTM ticket. Hmm.... Tell ofi bout that..n he said relax...nnt kumpul lg. Ye2 la tu.
Why I'm happy?Bcoz tommorrow is friday n the next day is saturday. No lah...actually I juz got my unconditional offer from City U. YES!!!!!! But how bout my SPC? Ssh la nk byr city u klu spc pn x confirm. Ish3.
I decided to bring ofi back to my home. I've plan the vacation so harap jadi la ye! Where to jalan2 in sandakan hah? Found this web site in the net about interesting places in sandakan. But I still think it's not enough.
Maybe I'll bring ofi to Poring - asked him to drive. Hohohoh...It takes 3 hours to go there. Is it to far?
Okay...Hav 2 go now...wanna plan for the 4D 3N Vacation. Anyone wanna join us???? Tell me ok...12 - 16 June (Owh..can't wait!!)
resepi mudah ayam masak butter
4 years ago
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