::Secondhand Serenade-Fall for you::
Last monday we went to a malay restaurant (Puji-puji restaurant) in Islington after the class. It has a nice environment n landscape. The food???This restaurant is famous for its satay...but none of us ordered it since its too expensive!!!I ordered lamb shank...hahaha...wanna try it!!Yin ordered daging panggang malay style, a'ai-keow tuay goreng, Sofe-fried rice, djasmi-fried noodle n khalid-lupa lak..hohoh!!Btw...after finishing our meal..we juz realized that there's no halal sign in that restaurant. What?????Is it halal or not?How come a malay restaurant has no halal sign?? But afraid to ask the owner..but they should put halal sign...next time we will be more carefull when go out for dining. Lesson to learn u guys!!!!! (photo courtesy from a'ai)

the food critics

Daging panggang yin

A'ai keow tuew

My lamb shank. Whoah..can I finish it?Not that tender..hav to use all my strenght to cut it..hahaha..not that hard la..but the potatoes (like bergedil) is so delicious

Go guys..go!!!The guys r trying to finish the lamb. Good luck!But at the end...licin!!!Congratz!!
The food was nice..but after knowing that it has no halal sign.. i think it's not!!
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