Yup, I got the scalds from hot oil while frying cucur udang for my housemate last 2 days. I think its been 10 years I did not get this kind of injuries. Say, I'm pro in cooking already, hehehe. But unfortunately at age 23 I still got dis. Oh no!!!What I'm afraid of the most is the scar. It took some times to heal rite?I got it on my face too..but luckily, its unnoticeable. Got many scars already bcoz of pimples..so the burn scar is likely the same. Hoho. I juz put some antiseptic cream to prevent from infection. Ok, so now should I break the blister??Bcoz some of it has been broken by itself bcoz of my ganas-ness. But what I know, we shouldnt do anything with it bcoz the blister itself protect the skin underneath from infection and it heals the underneath skin. Is it? But how can we leave dis blister alone?Bcoz I'm sure in 2-3 days it will break by itself bcoz of my ganas-ness. Will find some vitamin E cream to treat the scar.
Lesson to be learn: Even though u r pro in the kitchen and already being extra careful, you can still caught into some thing (malang tidak berbau..huhuhu..)

My ugly arm
The other side..and still got a minor2 one in other places
cepat2 pg beli vitamin e utk ilangkan parut..
n 1 more..aloe vera pon ok jugak....
Not that bad klu tgk dlm gamba..
looks like tattoo.. hahaha...
cian DJ! U supposed not to show it to the public especially Ofi. nnt maskawen/hantaran TURUN tau!! =D
thats what my mum said yin. hantaran turun rm1k. hehehe..
Its ok for me..as long as my future husband can accept me. Hehehe
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