Apr 14, 2009

Extra Happy

::Anuar Zain-Tak lelah::

Today I'm extra happy n excited because I got a new perfume and I found my long lost friend in facebook, Amielisa, andyson and hary. hehehehe. they r my friends back in primary school. Not the closest one but still close la jg. We talk about our primary school...and the good old days. The truth is...I've erased all my primary school's memory coz its not that 'fun'...but when we chat juz now...it seems that all the memory has came back to me. Hohohoh. I think we hav not contacted each other for about 10 years. Yalah, I went to boarding school after that...n somemore...dulu2 no hp lorr..so, easy to lost contact. And after that, my family moved back to my hometown...lg la lost contact. (Ok2...my fren mesti suka part ni..yelah2 saya berterus terang...dulu saya bersekolah di pekan beluran..puas??hohohoh). I dunno why I'm a bit shame when talking about my primary school..maybe bcoz its a kampung2 school kan?Dulu2 klu ada org tanya tinggal mana?Its hard for me to say that I live in beluran...hahahaha.Lg pun I'm originally from sandakan. But now I'm back to my hometown. Yippie!!!!!Hidup sandakan!!!! (moved to beluran when I'm in primary 2..T_T)

Actually Beluran is not that bad la. A small town (pekan sbnrnya). No bank, no KFC, no fire brigade...but very peaceful la. Seafood anyone??Hohohoho. My best fren Alvina, Lindy, Sofi and indai, together we form our spice girls group. Wuhooo!!! Spice girls tgh famous at that time. We often practices dance (dlm class lg tu..sbb cikgu selalu x masuk class...ish3). Steps from 'Untukmu' song by feminin. Hahahaha.

Hary is my dance partner when we perform joget for the school event and his twin brother andyson is in my prefect team. Together we fight crime. hahahaha!!! But seriously....ya ampun!!! Nakal sgt bdk sekolah tu...no dicipline. I think students in 6A and 6B class was okla...bt 6C and 6D...some of them cant even read! and they are so notty!(maybe coz sekolah kampung kan??sorry la ok...no offense ya!).

Actually I met hary when he perform dance for UMS at kak Lana's wedding at Le Meridien Hotel. But at that time...I'm not sure thats him. Yaloh, how can I remember...its been a long time...only now I asked about it (when I met him online). Yup..its him..confirm!! :P

Most of my schoolmates in primary school has married T_T. Ada jg yg x disangka2 jd husband n wife. Hahahaha. Thats cool. Never think of it. Your enemy can be ur partners for life. Very cool indeed. Extra smile everyone....



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