Busy..busy. Oh my!!!Dont hav time to blog. Tired n hungry. Hahahaha. First we start our story about earth hour last saturday. We managed to switch all the lite. Well done girls!. The 1 hour..I baked carrot cake (hohoho...use the oven..hmmn..am I not helping the earth hour??). Its a ready made mix from betty crocker..but need to add eggs,vege oil n water on ur own. This is the cake...very special coz i did it in the dark. hahahaha. yummy!!!
Went shopping (another episod of oxford street..the shopping heaven) coz its mid season sale. Reduction price on certain item. They need to finish up the stock for the coming summer. Yippie!!!Many of my frens talking about the new shopaholic movie. Me my self...hmmm...a shopaholic too but not as much as rebecca..I only buy clothes under 20pound. Yup!!!!I think I can nominate A'ai as the shopaholic and brand cautious. Check out my new yellow dress...actually its cuter without the black jacket. Bought from Apple snow.Managed to buy some dress from KRISP. My new fav boutiqe. Yay!!!Later will upload the pic. hahahahaha.
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