Have been bz lately, final is juz around the corner. Nothing to blog actually...but really need to do some posting here so that its lively here. Heheheh.
First I owe an apology to my dear ofi for my previous post. Sorry ya! Didn't mean to hurt you. Really2 sorry...If given a wish rite now, I wish to go back and hug you and say that I'm really2 sorry. Please forgive me :P (This is the most thing that I regret)
Juz saw pic of baby sofilea. Shima juz email us her baby's pic few days ago. So cute and adorable. Juz saw baby qadri pic...kawaii also. Geram2. Babies all around....waaa!!!! Waduh2...
I also want to congratz our new preggie mommies...Aimi and Nurul Zatul. I'm so jealous! :P
Dont worry tifa, usaha lagi..chaiyo2! Ahaa...Lin as well! Ikuti la semua tips yang di beri oleh hot mama kita.
Last but not least, presenting you the hot bachelorette...hahahahaha...bkn m'promote ok..but i've no idea to put any pic here...(the last single ladies in my batch..ok2 tipu.. ada lg mas,anis n ya)

can you send for me pic baby sofileah.i just want to see.thank
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