Then we went to Hard Rock cafe paris. It's my 1st time to the HRC (eh...dulu kt london ada amek gmbr2 dpn je). But I never been to HRC Malaysia. Btw, we travel around with our I think its a bit tiring but I do love the bag coz can transform to a seat when needed. Hohoho.
Then went to Beauvais airport...flite to Pisa...Wuhuu...but unfortunately our flite delayed bout 2 hours. While we check in to the gate, they asked us to open our tudung for security check but of coz in a small closed room with curtains. I'm not that pissed off coz after all they still respect our religion. Good2. But I do hate Ryanair coz allow 1 cabin bag per u need to put ur handbag inside ur cbain bag. Menyusahkan betul!!!
Arrived late at the Pisa International airport so we decided to call for cab and its cheap!!!I tawt they will charge us more coz its late.
Went to Granduca Hotel which situated in San Giuliano Terme (ala2 kampung la) a bit far from the central but worth it!!!Good services n situated in a peaceful small town, suitable for someone that need to relax from a bz hectic city life. Houses around similar to M'sian house. Sikit2 la. Owh, how I miss M'sia. If u realized all of us wear sunglasses all the time, yup!!!Paris n pisa is very hot. I think hotter than m' x sgt...but italy yes. Some of my frens got sun burn ... tq to my cream, compact powder n sun block Mas. X burn sgt pon. Alhamdulillah. 
To be continued..