Been bz for a week coz jd tourist guide for my friends, anis n mas that came here for a holiday.

Very tired, sleepy, exhausted but happy!!! The trip vacation has been planned 2 months before n glad that we acomplished it. Heheheh. Started our 1st day on the 19th of July at 1 am where we fetched mas from stardford station. She flew wif airasia. Mas is my classmate in UiTM, colleague in RHB and housemate in Damai. Agak rapat juga la. Came home, sleep for a while and then woke up early in the morning n heading to the oxford street. Mas is a shopaholic too, same like A'ai...heheheheh!!!!

went to the king cross station to catch the train to Hogwarts at platform 9 3/4. Hehehehe. The platform is made specially for the 2nd movie of Harry potter. Perasan x?

Then we went to Heathrow Airport to fetch anis (using MAS). She came out late coz the immigration ppl said that anis went to london to for a job hunt n not for a holiday. Aiyo!!!!!

Then go back home, stopped by for a while at Arsenal...n then tdo!!

To be continued....
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