I'm so happy!!!!Happy happy as can be...weeee....(please ignore my craziness rite now). Juz finished my coursework..will submit it after zohor. Malas lak nk pi school. At last I'm free from doing the coursework, back ache (sakit you..) and lots of things la. The tension..owh my leg lak terseliuh...maybe kurang strecthing kan??T_T not good!!!Need to start work out from now on, few days more before our trip vacation. Cant wait!!!!
Owh..will be going to Bicester Village this friday. Discount designer brand outlet, juz name the brand...they hav it all (except gucci n LV xde la ek). Planning to window shopping only. Hahahaha..or maybe try searching for sunglass (DnG maybe klu murah2). Owh, will be going to waterford&wedgewood outlet where there's a variety of tableware, chrystale etc. My mum asked me to buy some tableware. Hmm...Royal Doultan?Royal Albert?vera wang pun ada gak set ni??mesti mahal. So mummy, please browse this website and tell me which one do u like. Coz I dunno which one to choose coz i dont like the design...try to survey the price first n will be going back to bicester vilage (again) on 18th of July. hahahahaha!!!!!! Survey first, shop later. Thats why I juz do window shopping this friday :P
Wedgewood - Try to look at Johnson Bro's, the english classic ( x suka pon..eheh),
Royal doultan - Ada range gordon ramsey lg..heheh
Royal Albert - Expensive T_T but I like the old country rose collection. hehehe
old country rose (love it!)

I also like a square round plate - this one from corelle

Thinking of doing some business...ada org nk beli ke??Tp cm syg la plak :P
dj. nak nak! serious. bole ke tak ni?
if u ade jumpe versace (the pink colour one), issey miyake, or christian dior (dior addict 2) pls let me know.pls pls pls.
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