Got dis from dafi facebook. Gi mana sih ada samuel rizal di sini??Emangnya cerita ini mirip step up nggak??Kayaknya cerita Oh Baby! mirip sih dgn step up n HSM..tp byk kritik n saran..pendukungnya nggak byk latian dan tariannya kurang enegetic. Tp gw suka bangat ama cinta laura nyanyi lagu ostnya...gw pon ada add c ridwan ghany dlm facebook gw ;) (gatal sih kamu ini!!!) Berbalik pada filem Sayang you can dance...ngapain ada samuel rizal??Adaka filem ini produksi dan usahasama Indon&M'sia??Ataupun bikin laris pasaran di indon ya??Gw belum lg nonton eifel I'm in Love (lakonan pertama samuel)...its hot movie way back when I'm in matriculation.
Harapan gw agar filem ini bisa ngetop gitu..sbb ada pendukung2 yang hebat2...cthnya samuel,sh amani dan...(kok 2 aja??)...tariannya gi mana ya???Gw tiba2 teringat indon guy di universitas gw....sdh lm nggak ketemu(pdhal baru ketemu sekali dong!). Ganteng bangat....di mana kamu menghilang??Mau ketemu lg deh.....
assalamualaikum... i dun't know how to communicate with u directly..
my name is akmal fauzee aziz. i just graduated from utm skudai, in civil engineering august 2008. let me tell u the situation that i'm facing through..
1. January 2008:
i've applied for the postgraduate studies MSc Pipeline Engineering at Newcastle University Upon Tyne. I managed to secure conditional offer since i had not graduated yet during that time. i've taken the IELTS exam and managed to acquire 6.5 only (pretty sad.. haha)
2. Feruary 2008:
there was an advertisement on MARA SPC. i'd been waiting for this financial aids to support my postgrad. studies in uk. Unfortunately, when i reached at Medan MARA (MARA HQ), they didn't allow me to buy the form since i'm not able to produce my final transcript saying that i've completed my studies. i even begged to that person but it went to the same result. that person reminded me that wait for SPC next year. seriously, i cried like hell when i went back home.
3. August 2008:
i deferred my unconditional offer to next year, hoping for next MARA SPC.
My standing is:
CGPA : 3.73/4
IELTS: 6.5/9
Unconditional offer from Newcastle Uni.
Meanwhile, i'm working with ranhill worleyparsons as structural engineer to support myself. Do u think i'm eligible to get SPC thingy?
pls reply my message at mal_mustaine2000@yahoo.com
i kept thinking whether i can get it or x.. help me pls..
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