::Jason Mraz-I'm yours:: Last weekend I taught A'ai how to bake a cake. Our pick - "chocolate cake". What can I say, anak murid yg mendengar kata. Hohoho. Yummy!!!

Today as usual...I bake my swirl chocolate cake(again??). But I decided to do the spider web art on the cake. Even though x jd..hahaha...but still yummy lor. Lets compare the look with the previous one

Then effy make lasagne...so now my cooking skill has rise up 1 level. Haha. Tq effy for the guidance. I hutang u browines cake (if I hav the time..will bake it specially for u!)
Recipe will update later on my dj-fc. So many picture...but too lazy to type the recipe lorr...soory ya!!!
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