Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W "Barangsiapa yang berselawat ke atasku sekali, nescaya Allah akan turunkan rahmat ke atasnya 10 kali ganda" (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)
Assalamualaikum and salam maulidur rasul to all! Last nite Siti perform @ Konsert Sinar Maulidur Rasul. Look at her outfit. WOw WOw WEe!!!Superb, fantastic. I loike it!!! I love to wear those kind of outfit too but what to do...No size sad. Where can I find these outfit that fit me?Do I need to go to the tailor for fitting. Aiyo!!! Btw, this kind of outfit only suitable for dinner, red carpet, wedding reception (yg grand2 la). Klu nak bawa jln2 melampau la plak kan??Hehehehe. Siti is so sweet...

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