"I'm a major weeper" quotes from The Holiday. Jude law said to cameron Diaz that he's a major weeper coz easily cry on sad sad thing..same as me. Heheheh. I cried watching this movie and I also cry while reading archie's new post. Why?Firstly, coz tears of joy. Watching my best fren's engagement. Wow!!!!Vivi looks so beautiful. Nasib baik kamu semua x overshadow bb. Plg lawak baca blog ona bila dia bilang 'Bibi cipta sejarah ayam pertama di dunia dapat title tunang'.Bukan aku yg tulis ya..aku quoted dr blog ona. Jangan saman aku ya bb. Then I cried coz I'm so jealous!!Sbb semua org ada time bb tunang. Except for tasha la kan?Mana dia?Kamu x ajak ka?Bkn dia tgh cuti??I'm so sad..coz I'm not there. Mesti kamurang semua hepi2 kan?Kecuali bab sesat2 tu la. heheheheh. Here some pic courtesy from archie. Sdh minta permission ya. Tq archie, lap u...muah2. =P

i wasnt there too..
xpa, time kawen we'l be there.
ok noi..nnt kita pi sm2 ya.bila juak tu kawin bb?ko plak bila lg?
na aku pun mo pegi jgk..hehe..mkn cantik plak c bb ni..heee
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